Museum Abteiberg

Cathy Wilkes, ohne Titel (Unikat 1), 2016, Textil, Ölkreide, ca. 45 x 33 cm, Courtesy Cathy Wilkes und The Modern Institute, Andrew Hamilton/Toby Webster Ltd, Glasgow, Preis 13.000 €

Cathy Wilkes, ohne Titel (Unikat 2), 2016, Textil, Ölkreide, ca. 45 x 30 cm, Courtesy Cathy Wilkes und The Modern Institute, Andrew Hamilton/Toby Webster Ltd, Glasgow, Preis 13.000 €

Cathy Wilkes, ohne Titel, 2016
Textil, Ölkreide, ca. 45 x 33 cm
Courtesy Cathy Wilkes und The Modern Institute, Andrew Hamilton/Toby Webster Ltd, Glasgow

Cathy Wilkes, ohne Titel, 2016
Textil, Ölkreide, ca. 45 x 30 cm
Courtesy Cathy Wilkes und The Modern Institute, Andrew Hamilton/Toby Webster Ltd, Glasgow

Zwei Unikate

Wandvitrine: Museumsglas, Holzboden, 62 x 47 x 13 cm

Preis je Unikat 13,000 € (inkl. Vitrine)

Cathy Wilkes

Cathy Wilkes, ohne Titel (Unikat 1),2016,
Textil, Ölkreide, ca. 45 x 33 cm

Cathy Wilkes, ohne Titel (Unikat 2), 2016,
Textil, Ölkreide, ca. 45 x 30 cm

Jeweils in einer Wandvitrine: Museumsglas, Holzboden, 62 x 47 x 13 cm

Preis je Unikat 13.000 € (inkl. Vitrine)

Beim Aufbau ihrer Einzelausstellung im Museum Abteiberg (im Winter 2015/16) erinnerte sich die nordirische Künstlerin an die deutsche Tradition des Adventskalenders mit seinen Türen. Cathy Wilkes begann daraufhin, Stoffe mit kleinen Öffnungen zu durchschneiden und montierte hinter deren Öffnungen, ähnlich wie hinter den Kalendertüren, weitere Ebenen.

Die Aura unbekannter gebrauchter Objekte, oft ausgeblichener, geflickter oder auch fleckiger Stoffe, alter Bücher, Drucke, Alltagsgegenstände ist in kaum einem anderen Werk der Gegenwartskunst so existentiell deutbar, wie in den Assemblagen und Objektbildern von Cathy Wilkes. Sie verbindet Dinge mit Geschichte, Formen mit Gesten und Zeichen, die teils poetisch, teils sentimental, aber auch brutal wirken können.

Die Künstlerin hat dem Museumsverein Abteiberg 2016 exklusiv diese zwei Stoffobjekte als Jahresgabe zur Verfügung gestellt. Es sind außergewöhnliche Unikate, da bei Cathy Wilkes selten solch kleinere Werke zu fnden sind.

Die Abbildungen können vom Original abweichen.

Biografie Kathy Wilkes

1966 geboren in Belfast


1992 Abschluss MFA, University of Ulster
1988 Abschluss, BA (Hons) Fine Art 1st Class, Glasgow School of Art


2016 I still believe in miracles, Inverleith House, Edinburgh
The Modern Institute, 3 Airds Lane, Glasgow
2015 Cathy Wilkes, Touring exhibition, Tate Liverpool (2015); LENTOS Kunstmuseum, Linz (2015); Museum Abteiberg, Moenchengladbach (2015 - 2016)
2014 Tramway, Glasgow (Part of GENERATION 2014)
Art Unlimited, Art|45|Basel, Basel
2013 Xavier Hufkens, Brussels
2012 The Modern Institute, 14—20 Osborne Street, Glasgow
I Give You All My Money, The Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago, Chicago
2011 Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst, Bremen
Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh
Art Unlimited, Art|42|Basel, Basel Aspen Art Museum, Aspen Kunstverein, Munich
2010 Galleria Raucci/Santamaria, Naples
2009 Galerie Giti Nourbaksch, Berlin
Mummys Here, Studio Voltaire, London
2008 The Modern Institute/Toby Webster Ltd, Glasgow
Milton Keynes Gallery, Milton Keynes
2007 Non Verbal (version), Gallery Weekend Berlin, Galerie Giti Nourbakhsch
Void, Derry
2005 Most Women Never Experience, Galleria Raucci/Santamaria, Naples
2004 Daily Schedule, SMAK, Ghent
Moons, Switchspace, Glasgow
1/4 Moon, Gallerie Giti Nourbaksch, Berlin
2003 Kabinett fur Aktuelle Kunst, Bremerhaven
2002 Inverleith House, Edinburgh
Migros Museum, Zurich
2001 So and So, Cathy Wilkes, Galerie Giti Nourbaksch, Berlin
Our Misfortune, Transmission, Glasgow (Touring exhibition. Touring to Cubitt, London)
1999 Cathy Wilkes/Martin Creed, The Modern Institute/Toby Webster Ltd, Glasgow
1996 Art Connexion, Lille
1994 Galerie CAOC, Berlin
1991 Transmission, Glasgow


2016 FOOD - Ecologies of the Everyday, 13th Fellbach Triennial of Small-Scale Sculpture, Fellbach, Germany
2015 Mommy, Yale Union, Portland
Collection on Display: «Experimental Arrangements», Migros Museum, Zurich
The Great Mother, Palazzo Reale, Milan (curated by Massimiliano Gioni)
2014 The Human Factor, The Hayward Gallery, London
Somewhat Abstract; Selection from the Arts Council Collection, Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham
A Speculum That Shines, Rowing Projects, London
2013 Everything becomes mysterious, Christine Koenig Galerie, Wien (curated by Sophie OBrien)
Collection on Display: Monica Bonvicini, Heidi Bucher, Tom Burr, Urs Fischer, Pamela Rosenkranz, Markus
Schinwald, Cathy Wilkes, Migros Museum, Zurich
The Encyclopedic Palace, Venice Biennale, Venice (55th International Art Exhibition)
Shortcuts and Digressions, Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery, Norwich (Curated by the artist Brian
From where I come…maybe…I dont know, Raucci/Santamaria, Naples
Love is Colder than Capital An Exhibition about the value of feelings, Kunsthaus Bregenz, Bregenz
The Assistants, David Kordansky Gallery, Los Angeles
Henry Taylor, Pawel Althamer, and Cathy Wilkes Walk into a Bar..., MOMA, New York (Gallery 11, permanent collection)
2012 Studio 58: Women Artists in Glasgow Since WWII, Mackintosh Museum, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow
We Love You, Limoncello, London
Glueballs and Winos, Glasgow Project Room, Glasgow
2011 The Cockeyed Turkey and a Paper Pudding, The Lighthouse, Glasgow
2010 Abstract Resistance, Walker Arts Centre, Minneapolis
2009 Running Time: Artists Films in Scotland 1960 to Now, Dean Gallery, Edinburgh
Head-Wig (Portrait of an exhibition), Camden Arts Centre, London (Selected by Paulina Olowska)
TONITE, The Modern Institute/Toby Webster Ltd, Glasgow
2008 Turner Prize 2008, Tate Britain, London (nominee)
Contemporary Scottish Art: New Acquistitions & Loans, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh
A show of many parts, each part more spectacular and elaborate than the last, Leicester City Art Gallery, Leicester
2007 a point in space is a place for an argument, David Zwirner, New York
EARTH?, Galerie Giti Nourbaksch, Berlin
Galleria Massimo De Carlo, Milan
Quality as Quantity, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Wien
If I Cant Dance, I Dont Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution, Edition II: Feminist Legacies And Potentials In
Contemporary Art P, MuHKA Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen, Antwerp
New Work UK: You and Me, Whitechapel, London (screening of I will miss you, I will pour essential oil on your body)
You Have Not Been Honest, Museo dArte Contemporanea Donnaregina, Naples
Breaking Step, Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade
2006 Splash, 4th Berlin Biennial for Contemporary Art, Berlin (installation at Of Mice and Men)
Non Verbal (version), Printemps de Septembre, Toulouse
The Secret Theory of Drawing: Dislocation & Indirection in Contemporary Drawing, The Drawing Room / Tannery
Arts, London
How to Improve the World, British Art 1946-2006, Hayward Gallery, London
If it didnt exist youd have to invent it: a partial Showroom history, The Showroom, London
2005 Frieze Projects, Frieze Art Fair
Selective Memory: Scotland & Venice Biennale, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh
Body: New Art from the UK, Vancouver Art Gallery, Canada (British Council touring exhibition. Touring to The Ottawa Art Gallery, Canada; Oakville Galleries, Canada; Edmonton Art Gallery, Canada; Art Gallery Nova Scotia, Canada)
Selective Memory, Scotland + Venice, 51st Venice Biennale, Venice (installation at Scotland & Venice: Selective
2004 Formalismus, Moderne Kunst, Heute, Hamburg Kunstverein, Hamburg
LAir du Temps - Collection Printemps/Été 2004, Migros Museum, Zurich
Cara Studies Votes for Women, Manifesta 5, San Sebastian; Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin
2003 Independence, South London Gallery, London
Plunder: Culture as Material, DCA, Dundee
2002 P_A_U_S_E, Gwanju Biennial, South Korea
Happy Outsiders from London and Scotland, Zacheta Gallery, Warsaw
Psycho-Bobble, Galleria Raucci/Santamaria, Naples
Circles 4 One Fo(u)r One, ZKM Museum for Contemporary Art, Karlsruhe (with Elizabeth Go)
Here and Now: Scottish Art 1990-2001, Dundee Contemporary Arts, Dundee; Aberdeen Art Gallery, Aberdeen
2000 Seven Scottish Artists, Grant Selwyn Fine Art, Beverly Hills
Die gefahr im Jazz, Berlin
Pavilion, Galerie Mark Müller, Zurich
Film Club 2, Vilma Gold, London (with Elizabeth Go; curated by David Thorpe)
Film Club, Glasgow (with Elizabeth Go; curated by Scott Myles)
Becks Futures, ICA, London (nominee)
1999 A Still Volcano Life, South Gallery, Melbourne
The Queen is Dead, Stills Gallery, Edinburgh
Where the Wild Roses Grow, Anti War - You Take it From my Heart, Transmission, Glasgow (with Elizabeth Go)
Love, Speed, Thrills, Manchester Metropolitan University (with Elizabeth Go)
Trace, Liverpool Biennal, Liverpool
1998 The Modern Institute, Glasgow at Sadie Coles HQ
Add Night To Night, The Showroom, London (Curated by Sarah Tripp)
Slant 6, Jacob Javits Center, New York
Floatina Happiness, Tramway, Glasgow (Host; with Elizabeth Go)
From Here at High Street Projects, Christchurch
1997 The Art Exchange Show, Broad Street, New York
Hit em With This Antoinette, Catalyst Arts, Belfast (Elizabeth Go performance at Satellite City) Fly, Glasgow
Connected, Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art, Sunderland (Elizabeth Go)
The Truly Supa Superstore, Norwich Gallery, Norwich
Lovecraft, CCA, Glasgow (The South London Gallery, London)
You Show Me The DF Every Night You Show Me The DF You Show Me, NGCA, Sunderland (Elizabeth go performance at Connected)
1996 Insanestupidphatfuctpervert, Cubitt, London
Loaded: A Contemporary View of British Painting, Ikon Gallery, Birmingham
The Mostyn Open, Oriel Mostyn, Llandudno
insanestupidphatfuctpervert, Concrete Skates, Glasgow (Touring exhibition. Touring to Cubitt, London)
World of Ponce, Southpark, Glasgow (Curated by Toby Webster)
Art for People, Transmission, Glasgow
1995 Barrage, Catalyst Arts, Belfast (with Jonnie Wilkes)
Onziemes Ateliers du FRAC, Frac des Pays de Ia Loire, Nantes
The Living Landscape, West Cork Arts Centre, Ireland
The Belmont Hotel Installation Project, Glasgow
1994 Small World Small Works, Galerie CAOC, Berlin
Beyond the Pale, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin
1993 Interview 2, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow



2015 Storr, Anne: Inner Worlds and Outer Realities, Tate etc., 07/01/2015
2013 Cathy Wilkes - Untitled, 2012 (detail), Petunia, Issue 5 05/2013
2012 Mono - Cathy Wilkes, Kaleidoscope, Issue 14 03/2012
2011 Marcus, Daniel: Eyes in the Heat, Artforum, Summer 2011 06/2011
Burton, Johanna: Previews: Cathy Wilkes, Artforum, 05/2011
Lowndes, Sarah: Slow Dazzle, Spike Art Quarterly, 02/02/2011
2010 Collins, Matthew: Zombie Frieze, Modern Painters, 12/2010
Linda Yablonsky: Artifacts | The Frieze Art Fair: Salvage Instinct, New York Time blogs, 15/10/2010
Bell, Kirsty: The Vantage Point of Being Alive, Mousse, Summer Issue 201 2010
2009 Staple, Polly: Head Wig, Art Review, Issue 36 11/2009
Stewart, Chistabel: A View Story, Tank, 10/2009
Sherwin, Skye: Exhibitionist: The Best Art Show to see this week, The Guardian Website, 25/09/2009
New Group Exhibition Curated by Paulina Olowska to be Presented at Camden Arts Center,,
Lack, Jessica: Exhibitions, The Guardian Guide, 19/09/2009
Garner, James: Art Review Tonite, Metro, 08/2009
Casadio, Mariuccia: 3D Futurity, Vogue Italia, 01/2009
Whitman-Salkin, Leah: Navigating the Maze, Kaleidoscope, 2009
2008 Mottram, Jack: In love with a checkout girl, The Herald, 18/07/2008
Mansefield, Susan: Finding Lost Female Souls, The Scotsman, 04/07/2008
McDermott, Leon: Spoon-Fed Ideology, Metro, 04/07/2008
Lesso, Rose: Cathy Wilkes: Prices, The List, Issue 607 07/2008
Turner Prize: Ist Cathy Wilkes die neue Tomma Abts?, Monopol, 06/06/2008
Smyth, Cherry: Cathy Wilkes, Art Monthly, 06/2008
Staple, Polly: extract from Switzerland, Frieze, Issue 116 2008
Trigg, David: Milton Keynes: Cathy Wilkes, Map, Issue 144 2008
Cathy Wilkes: Untitled, Mister Motley, Issue 22 2008
2007 Smith, Roberta: A Point In Space Is A Place For An Argument, The New York Times, 20/07/2007
Baker, RC: A Point In Space Is A Place For An Argument, Village Voice, 30/06/2007
Schiavi, Isabelle: Cathy Wilkes: Outside The Body Politic, Next Level, 2007
2006 Mottram, Jack: Cathy Wilkes, Map, Issue 5 2006
Kennedy, Alexander: Selective Memory: Scotland and Venice, Map, Issue 5 2006
2005 Staple, Polly: Today, Afterall, Issue 12 10/2005
Diederichsen, Diedrich: FORMALISMUS, Artforum, 03/2005
OSullivan, Simon: Ten Concepts Following Cathy Wilkes Practice, Afterall, Issue 12 2005
2004 Jeffrey, Moira: Soaking up the atmosphere of the moons, The Herald, 13/12/2004
Jeffrey, Moira: Cathy Wilkes, The Herald, 02/03/2004
Wulffen, Thomas: Manifesta 5, Kunstforum International, 2004
Verwoert, Jan: Vele Modernismen: Florian Pumhösl en Cathy Wilkes, Metropolis M, 2004
2002 Jeffrey, Moira: Three cheers and a whisper, The Herald, 20/05/2002
Sutherland, Giles: Parallel Deceptions, Sunday Herald, 19/05/2002
2001 Eichler, Dominic: Cathy Wilkes, Frieze, Issue 59 05/2001
Rosenberg, Angela: Cathy Wilkes, Flash Art, 2001
Bradley, Will: Quiet Radical, Untitled, 2001
2000 Smyth, Cherry: Becks Futures, Art Monthly, 30/04/2000
1999 Sheehan, Declan: untitled, Circa, 1999
1998 OSullivan, Tom, Joanne Tatham: untitled, Circa, Issue 89 30/11/1998
1997 Rothschild, Eva: I am you as you are me as he is she as we are all together, Make, Issue 80 30/11/1997
Wilkes, Cathy: The Lion For Real, Stopstop 1, 1997


2015 Jeffrey, Moira: Arts Review: Cathy Wilkes (review of Cathy Wilkes, Tate Liverpool, Liverpool), The Scotsman,
Herbert, Martin: Martin Herbert picks ten April 2015 shows you dont want to miss (review of Cathy Wilkes, Tate
Liverpool, Liverpool), Art Review, 04/2015
Dyer Amazeen, Lauren: Cathy Wilkes (review of Cathy Wilkes, Tramway, Glasgow), Artforum, 01/2015
2014 Cathy Wilkes at Tramway (review of Cathy Wilkes, Tramway, Glasgow), Contemporary Art Daily, 10/09/2014
2013 Bell, Kirsty: Il Palazzo Enciclopedico: 55. Biennale di Venezia (review of The Encyclopedic Palace, Venice Biennale, Venice), Frieze d/e, 10/2013
Sooke, Alastair: Venice Biennale 2013: The Encyclopedic Palace, Central Pavilion and Arsenale, review (review of
The Encyclopedic Palace, Venice Biennale, Venice), The Telegraph, 30/05/2013
Miller, Phil: State of the Arts: Scotland on show at the Venice Biennale (review of The Encyclopedic Palace, Venice Biennale, Venice), The Herald, 27/05/2013
Higgins, Charlotte: Venice Biennale to showcase new generation of young British artists (review of The
Encyclopedic Palace, Venice Biennale, Venice), The Guardian, 18/03/2013
2012 Clark, Robert: Cathy Wilkes (review of Cathy Wilkes, The Modern Institute, Osborne Street, Glasgow), The
Guardian Guide, 11/2012
Davis, Michael: Cathy Wilkes (review of Cathy Wilkes, The Modern Institute, Osborne Street, Glasgow), The List,
Diary (review of Cathy Wilkes, The Modern Institute, Osborne Street, Glasgow), Mousse Magazine, 11/2012
Cathy Wilkes (review of Cathy Wilkes, The Modern Institute, Osborne Street, Glasgow), Mousse Magazine, 35
Davis, Michael: Studio 58 (review of Studio 58: Women Artists in Glasgow Since WWII, Mackintosh Museum, Glasgow School of Art), The List, 02/08/2012
Lowndes, Sarah: Art Beat (review of Studio 58: Women Artists in Glasgow Since WWII, Mackintosh Museum, Glasgow School of Art), The List, 21/06/2012
Hill, Wes: Gesellschaft Fur Aktuelle Kunst, Bremen (review of Cathy Wilkes, Gesellschaft Fur Aktuelle Kunst, Bremen), Frieze, 145 03/2012
Silverman, Julia: Do Not Touch: Cathy Wilkes probes the boundary between stuff and sculpture at the Ren (review of Cathy Wilkes: I Give You All My Money, The Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago, Chicago), Chicago Weekly, 02/02/2012
Lori Waxman: Molly Zuckerman-Hartung, Cathy Wilkes draw on strikingly similar themes in separate exhibitions (review of Cathy Wilkes: I Give You All My Money, The Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago, Chicago), Chicago Tribune, 02/2012
K. Rich, Sarah: Review (review of Cathy Wilkes, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh), Artforum, 02/2012
Bucknell, Alice: Motley crew of objects can an exhibit make (review of Cathy Wilkes: I Give You All My Money, The Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago, Chicago), The Chicago Maroon, 24/01/2012
Stange, Raimar: Berlin (review of Cathy Wilkes, Gesellschaft Fur Aktuelle Kunst, Bremen), Art Review, 01/2012
Ruiz, Steve: I Give You All (review of Cathy Wilkes: I Give You All My Money, The Renaissance Society at the
University of Chicago, Chicago), ArtSlant, 01/2012
2011 Burton, Johanna: Previews (review of Cathy Wilkes, Aspen Art Museum, Aspen), Artforum, 05/2011
2008 Bidisha: Why a woman should have won the 2008 Turner prize (review of Turner Prize 2008, Tate Britain, London),
The Guardian, 03/12/2008
MacMillan, Duncan: Visual Art Reviews: Turner for the worse (review of Turner Prize 2008, Tate Britain, London),
The Scotsman, 28/11/2008
Sumpter, Helen: Turner Prize 2008 (review of Turner Prize 2008, Tate Britain, London), Time Out, 09/10/2008
Lewis, Ben: Race for the Prize (review of Turner Prize 2008, Tate Britain, London), Evening Standard, 08/10/2008
Cumming, Laura: Sshh… its the Turner Prize (review of Turner Prize 2008, Tate Britain, London), The Observer,
Searle, Adrian: The Turner prize (review of Turner Prize 2008, Tate Britain, London), The Guardian, 04/10/2008
Campbell-Johnston, Rachel: But is it art? (review of Turner Prize 2008, Tate Britain, London), The Times, 10/2008
Searle, Adrian: Nurses and curses (review of Turner Prize 2008, Tate Britain, London), The Guardian, 30/09/2008
Akbar, Arifa: A mannequin on a toilet and dry porridge – its the Turner Prize (review of Turner Prize 2008, Tate
Britain, London), The Independent Online, 28/09/2008
Januszczak, Waldemar: Turning Point (review of Turner Prize 2008, Tate Britain, London), NewStatesman,
Cornwell, Tim: Dummies, loos, The Simpsons - its Turner Prize time again (review of Turner Prize 2008, Tate
Britain, London), The Scotsman, 14/05/2008
Miller, Phil: Everyday items bring Turner Prize nomination for Glasgow artist (review of Turner Prize 2008, Tate
Britain, London), The Herald, 14/05/2008
Brown, Mark: Modern-day dandy (and his associate Felix the Cat) is Turner prize favourite (review of Turner Prize
2008, Tate Britain, London), The Guardian, 14/05/2008
Akbar, Arifa: Shortlist for Turner Prize promises end to male domination (review of Turner Prize 2008, Tate Britain, London), The Independent, 14/05/2008
Alberge, Dayla: Tate courts controversy with Turner Prize shortlist (review of Turner Prize 2008, Tate Britain, London), Times Online, 14/05/2008
Dickson, Andrew: Female artists dominate Turner shortlist (review of Turner Prize 2008, Tate Britain, London), The
Guardian, 13/05/2008
Noah, Sherna: Mannequin on toilet bids for Turner prize (review of Turner Prize 2008, Tate Britain, London), The
Independent, 13/05/2008
Baracaia, Alexa: Turner shortlist is a female affair (review of Turner Prize 2008, Tate Britain, London), The London
Paper, 13/05/2008
McClurg-Welland, Ian: Turner 08 The Gender Agenda? (review of Turner Prize 2008, Tate Britain, London), Art of
England, 05/2008
Aspden, Peter: Women dominate Turner shortlist (review of Turner Prize 2008, Tate Britain, London), Financial
Times, 14/04/2008
1999 Mahoney, Elisabeth: The Queen is Dead (review of The Queen is Dead, Stills Gallery, Edinburgh), Untitled, 1999
Bird, Nicky: The Queen is Dead (review of The Queen is Dead, Stills Gallery, Edinburgh), Art Monthly, 1999


2015 Cathy Wilkes, Tate Liverpool, Liverpool
2011 n. paradoxa - international feminist art journal: Womens Work, volume 27, KT press, London (Reinterpreting the
Mannequin: Allen Jones, Cathy Wilkes and Morag Keil)
2008 Cathy Wilkes Milton Keynes Gallery, Milton Keynes Gallery, Milton Keynes
2006 Frieze Projects: Artists Commisions and Talks (2003-2005), frieze, London
2004 On My Sim You 1/4 Moon, in Formalismus, Moderne Kunst, Heute, Kunstverein in Hamburg, Hamburg
2003 Victorine as an EspadaI, The Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh
2001 Cathy Wilkes, The Modern Institute/Toby Webster Ltd, Glasgow
2000 Puppe, in Avalon, The Changing Room, Stirling
1998 Wilkes Gallery Projects, 1994-1997, (self-published), Glasgow


2011 Cathy Wilkes, Aspen Art Museum, Aspen
Cathy Wilkes, Kunstverein, Munich (Exhibition guide, features Cathy Wilkes in conversation with Bart Van Der
2008 Scotland & Venice 2003 2005 2007, Scottish Arts Council/ British Council/ National Galleries of Scotland/ The Scottish Government, Edinburgh
2007 Breaking Step, Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrad
You Have Not Been Honest, British Council, London
2006 Of Mice and Men, 4th Berlin Biennial for Contemporary Art, Berlin
2005 Body: New Art from the UK, Vancover Art Gallery and The British Council, Vancover, London
Selective Memory, Scottish Arts Council, British Council, National Galleries of Scotland, Scotland
2004 Cathy Wilkes, Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin
Formalismus. Modern Kunst, heute (Formalism. Modern Art, today), Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern-Ruit
With All Due Intent, Manifesta 5, Donostia–San Sebastián
2002 Happy Outsiders from London and Scotland, Zacheta Panstowowa Galeria Sztuki, Warschau
2001 Circles – Individuelle Sozialisation und Netzwerkarbeit in der zeitgenössischen Kunst, (exhibition catalogue), ZKM, Karlsruhe
Here and Now: Scottish Art 1990-2000, Dundee Contemporary Arts, Dundee
2000 Becks Futures, ICA, London
1998 Add Night to Night, The Showroom, London
